Standard Abilities

Abilities are the realization of capabilities through lifecycle activities utilizing resources to provide  value-adding results satisfying customer-based needs.

The standard abilities of all enterprises are differentiated into discipline-based categories:

Enterprise Ability

The realization of an enterprise capability through enterprise lifecycle activities utilizing enterprise-level resources to manage and control enterprise-level development and operations, satisfying the need for governance,  organization, integration, compliance, assurance and enterprise management.

Business Ability

The realization of a business capability through business lifecycle activities utilizing business resources to manage and control business development and operations, satisfying the need for mission, marketsportfolio, talent, operations and business management.

Process Ability

The realization of a process capability through process lifecycle activities utilizing process resources to manage and control process development and operations, satisfying the need for policy, procedure, roles, workflow, process improvement and process management.

Information Ability

The realization of an information capability through information lifecycle activities utilizing information resources to manage and control information development and operations, satisfying the need for data, configurations, records and information management.

IT Ability

The realization of an information technology (IT) capability through IT lifecycle activities utilizing IT resources to manage and control IT development and operations, satisfying the need for applications, procured services, infrastructure, information utilization, telecommunications and IT management.

System Offering Ability

The realization of a system offering through system lifecycle activities utilizing system offering resources to manage and control system development and operations, satisfying the need for system needs, system requirementssystem products, system solution, system abilities and system management.

Service Offering Ability

The realization of a service offering through service lifecycle activities utilizing service offering resources to manage and control service development and operations, satisfying the need for service needs, service requirements, service catalog, a service solutionservice abilities and service management.