
The enterprise system is a collection of distinct and fundamental capabilities which systematically function together to realize all of the needed and expected abilities of the enterprise system. The capabilities are differentiated into discipline-based categories.

As shown in Figure 1 – Enterprise System Overview, within the enterprise system the functionality of each CAPABILITY is managed by a MANAGEMENT function utilizing functional management resources described by an ARCHITECTURE structure of the resources used.

OverviewFigure 1 – Enterprise System Overview

The MANAGER ROLE is responsible for managing the activities of the capability and for producing the supporting management work products.  The manager role uses the architecture and supporting work products to support their management responsibilities and the associated activities.

The ARCHITECT ROLE is responsible for architecting the concepts, logic, physics and other properties of the architecture of the capability and for producing the supporting architecture work products.  The architect role uses the architecture and supporting work products to provide an understanding and communication of the interconnections and interdependencies between the management resources, between the resources and the capabilities, and between the capabilities.